Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Green Lantern- Don't Knock What You Don't Know

So, this is my first review, And I decided to go with Green Lantern.

The movie centers around Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), a test pilot who is pretty much a screw up in life. But he does one thing well: fly. At any given moment he will push the boundaries of flight, feeling that living in the shadow of his late father leaves him with expectations he must fulfill. To the other half of the story is the Lantern Corps. established by a high council of sorts they are protectors of the universe. Each assigned a specific sector to guard, they draw their power from the will of every living creature in the galaxy, from that the energy is used through a ring and the user can create anything his or her mind can imagine through it. The Jordan's path crosses with the Lantern Corps when the defender of the sector that earth is in dies. The ring he is wearing must select a replacement and it chooses Jordan. From there the movie becomes the story of Hal Jordan confronting his own fears his own fears and embracing the ideals of the Lantern Corps all while he must save earth from an intergalactic demon that feeds off of creatures fear.

You try wearing this suit and keep a good sense of humor

Personally I enjoyed the movie very much. A lot of the reviews I have come across have tried to say that the movie had no substance, was childish, and tried to distract you with CG effects. I have to disagree with all these points. First, it is a film based on a comic book, and if you have read a single Green Lantern comic you know the character of Hal Jordan isn't Mr. Serious, hes a maverick. (actually come to think of it he would have fit right in with Goose and the fellas at Top Gun) Casting Ryan Reynolds for the part was perfect, and he nailed the character. Then the story line itself is not very childish when you look at it. It's about accepting that you're not invincible, and people are always afraid. It's about overcoming those boundaries and doing things you didn't once believe you were capable of. There are a few parts that don't make sense, but they do not take anything away from the actual movie. As for the CG... it was done well, it did not feel like it was being used as a distraction but a tool, I mean you can't make a fishman alien that walks like a half goat with out some computer aid.  Its a tool, not a crutch.

All in all it's a solid action/ adventure movie. The comedy is on point, the parts of the movie that pluck at your   heart are timed right, and it had my leaning foreword focusing on the story through and through. My final grade of this movie is a B+ Solid and entertaining and worth seeing in theaters


A side note I'd like to add for those of you who did already see it and have the complaints about Sinestro... stay until after the credits, and wait for a sequel. This movie wasn't about him.

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